Model Who Can’t Get A Job With 99% Of Her Body Inked Shows Off What She Looked Like Before Transformation

Meet Amber Luke, the woman who has transformed herself into what she proudly calls the ‘Dragon Girl’. Known as ‘Australia’s most tattooed woman’, Amber has revealed her pre-transformation look, a stark contrast to her current ink-covered appearance.

Having spent a whopping $300,000 on tattoos, surgeries, piercings, and injections, Amber is a walking canvas of her own making. She shared with IGV her journey from a clean slate to being 99 percent covered in tattoos.

“There will never be a point where I am done self-evolving – both inside and outside. Call it whatever you will – but I see change and self-growth to be beautiful and bold,” Amber told IGV.

One of her most eye-catching modifications is her eyeballs. Tattooed a striking blue, the decision came when she was just 20. “I knew I wanted my eyeballs tattooed from 20 years old, I saw it online and thought it was so strikingly unique. I knew it was meant for me,” she explained.

However, the procedure, which involves injecting ink under the top layer of the eye, left her temporarily blind for three weeks due to an unfortunate mishap. “It is not meant to happen like that. You are supposed to see straight after and feel no pain or discomfort. The eyeball has no nerves at the front of the eye – unfortunately for me – he hit my retina,” she recounted.

The risks associated with eyeball tattooing are significant, given its underregulated nature and the unknown long-term effects.

Aside from her eyeball tattoo, Amber also faced complications with other tattoos, like an infected wrist tattoo at 16, which required strong antibiotics and painkillers.

Despite the challenges and societal stigma, Amber remains unapologetic about her body art. “It affects everything I do. My bodysuit is stigmatized to the point I can’t even go clubbing. No face, hand or neck tattoos since 2013 have been allowed or regulated,” she shared.

She has also faced her share of public backlash and discrimination, with some harshly criticizing her appearance. “It’s pretty intriguing to know just how many strangers are willing to put someone down they don’t know anything about – because they look different. Individually comes with a price – emotional turmoil from the close-minded general public,” Amber stated.

Yet, Amber is supported by a tight-knit circle who embrace her for who she is. “I don’t have people in my life that don’t support what I do for myself. It’s that simple,” she affirmed.

Amber’s transformation story is not just about the ink and modifications; it’s a deeper tale of personal evolution and the courage to stand out. Her before and after photos not only showcase a physical transformation but a profound reclaiming of identity.

“I absolutely despise [my old look]. Losing my visual identity is a rough trot! All those years, blood and sweat gone into my bodysuit – gone,” she reflected.

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