Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell began dating in 1983 and have been together ever since. Hawn once opened up about the “little ceremony” she had with Kurt Russell.

Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell have been together for longer than many married celebrity couples, but they have never walked down the aisle.

In a recent interview with CNN’s Chris Wallace, Hawn revealed the “ugly” reason why they choose not to marry.

“When things don’t work out, it becomes big business,” Hawn explained, addressing her aversion to marriage. As someone who has experienced two divorces in the past, she knows firsthand that divorce is always an unpleasant and complicated process.

Hawn raises important questions about the true cost of divorce. “How many divorces are truly free of charge? How many divorces make you loathe the person even more than before? How many divorces have caused harm to children?” These are valid concerns that Hawn and Russell have taken into account when deciding to stay unmarried.

For Hawn, waking up every morning and choosing to be in a relationship is a conscious decision she values. She knows that relationships are not always easy and require effort to overcome obstacles. But by remaining independent and holding onto her own beliefs, she can maintain her individuality while being part of a meaningful partnership.

Marriage is not the only marker of a successful and committed relationship. Hawn and Russell have found their own way to show their love and loyalty to each other without the need for a legal document. Their bond is deep and enduring, which is evident in their 40-year partnership.

So, why should they get married? The question itself is a pertinent one. Hawn and Russell have found their own path to happiness, and that is what truly matters.

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