This ‘Jeopardy’ Star Has Fridge That ‘Looks Like a Normal Family Fridge’ – Her Cat Can Walk on the Cooking Surface in Her Kitchen

  • This former “Jeopardy!” co-host often takes her fans on tours of her cozy and colorful kitchen.
  • Fans on social media have expressed their amazement at how real and relatable her kitchen and family fridge are.
  • Join us as we explore her cozy home and learn how to make her delicious vegan cookies from her video.

When thinking of celebrities, one might imagine glamorous lifestyles, luxurious mansions, and extravagant parties. But not for this neuroscientist and former host of Jeopardy! and star of “The Big Bang Theory.”

The producer and actress often shares glimpses of her charming kitchen with her fans on her social media pages and YouTube channel. One particular video where she gave Delish a tour of her kitchen sparked a lot of positive reactions from her followers, who praised her for being real and relatable.

The actress's kitchen from a video dated June 23, 2020 | Source:

The actress’s kitchen from a video dated June 23, 2020 | Source:

On March 14, 2019, she shared a cooking video of her and her sons baking vegan cookies. Being a working mom, the actress says she and her sons don’t spend as much time together as they would want to, so they bond over baking.

She whips up all sorts of gems in her homely kitchen – like her vegan chocolate chip cookies (recipe shared below). These cookies are simple, delicious, and kid-friendly. You only need six ingredients and 20 minutes to bake them.

The actress cooking in her kitchen from a reel dated December 11, 2023 | Source:

The actress cooking in her kitchen from a reel dated December 11, 2023 | Source:

The actress is not only successful careerwise as a show host but is also a down-to-earth mom of two. She lives with her sons, Miles and Frederick, in a modest house in Los Angeles.

She divorced their father, Michael Stone, in 2012, but they remain on good terms and co-parent their kids. She is also a devoted vegan and an advocate for animal rights.

She often posts recipes and tips on her website, Grok Nation, and her YouTube channel. She also writes books on topics such as parenting, feminism, and Judaism. She is best known for playing Amy Farrah Fowler, a neurobiologist and Sheldon Cooper’s love interest, on “The Big Bang Theory.”

The movie star won four Emmy nominations and two Critics’ Choice Awards for her role. She also starred as the young version of Bette Midler’s character in “Beaches” and as the titular character in “Blossom.” Until recently, she co-hosted “Jeopardy!,” since 2021 following the death of Alex Trebek.

Nestled in the heart of Los Angeles, the actress’s home is a stunning testament to rustic elegance and thoughtful renovation. Purchased for a cool $2.3 million, this four-bedroom retreat in Studio City has been her sanctuary for the past nine years.

Over the years, the 2,483-square-foot property has undergone numerous renovations, each adding a unique touch to its charm. In 2020, the actress shared her excitement about the transformation of her kitchen.

Mayim Bialik's kitchen ceiling from a video dated June 23, 2020 | Source:

Mayim Bialik’s kitchen ceiling from a video dated June 23, 2020 | Source:

The kitchen renovations were a labor of love, featuring a tin ceiling and wood cabinets handcrafted by a former partner. “He did this entire kitchen by himself, inside and out,” she shared.

These elements were not new additions but repurposed materials from an upstairs bedroom, reflecting the actress’s commitment to sustainability. The kitchen is also adorned with marble countertops and a copper farmhouse sink, adding a touch of modern luxury to the rustic aesthetic.

This former “Jeopardy!” host is Mayim Bialik. Her kitchen is a delightful blend of the old and the new. It’s a space that embraces the charm of vintage elements, such as light fixtures crafted from repurposed chicken feeders.

Mayim Bialik's kitchen from a video dated June 23, 2020 | Source:

Mayim Bialik’s kitchen from a video dated June 23, 2020 | Source:

The kitchen also houses a collection of antique cooking tools. Among these is a functional nut meat chopper and a cherished serving platter from Poland, a memento from her grandmother. When it comes to culinary preferences, Bialik’s fridge is always stocked with fresh produce.

Mayim Bialik's kitchen sink from a video dated June 23, 2020 | Source:

Mayim Bialik’s kitchen sink from a video dated June 23, 2020 | Source:

Inside the fridge are berries, farmer’s produce, and raw cashews – a key ingredient for her homemade vegan ricotta – are staples. Sweets are a rare sight in her kitchen, with the exception of the annual indulgence in vegan Thin Mints.

Mayim Bialik's kitchen from a video dated June 23, 2020 | Source:

Mayim Bialik’s kitchen from a video dated June 23, 2020 | Source:

Despite its beauty and functionality, Bialik admits that a little more space would be welcome. With two boys and three cats sharing the space, it can get a bit crowded.

However, she wouldn’t trade her kitchen for anything else. It’s not just a place for cooking; it’s a space filled with memories, stories, and a testament to her sustainable lifestyle.

Mayim Bialik's fridge from a video dated June 23, 2020 | Source:

Mayim Bialik’s fridge from a video dated June 23, 2020 | Source:

Bialik’s kitchen certainly struck a chord with fans, who were quick to express their admiration. One fan appreciated the homely feel, stating“Nice to see a celebrity house that looks like a home instead of an art museum.”

The actress's kitchen from a video dated June 23, 2020 | Source:

The actress’s kitchen from a video dated June 23, 2020 | Source:

Another fan echoed this sentiment, saying“I love how her fridge looks like a normal family fridge,” expressing love for the familiar sight of a fridge “covered in papers and pictures.”

The authenticity of Mayim Bialik’s kitchen also garnered praise, with a fan commenting“I love ‘Real’ kitchens that aren’t just for show.'” Bialik’s down-to-earth personality was also highlighted, with a fan noting“She’s such a breath of fresh air. So regular even though she’s anything but regular.”

Finally, a fan summed up the general sentiment by saying“This is the perfect example of being humble. It’s rare to see such a well-off celebrity live so practically. Her kitchen is very homey and beautiful.”

Mayim Bialik's house plant from a clip dated February 28 2023 | Source:

Mayim Bialik’s house plant from a clip dated February 28 2023 | Source:

Stepping outside, the property reveals a massive backyard complete with a private saltwater pool and spa. The brick walkway that winds around the pool area is bordered by lush flower and herb gardens, creating a serene outdoor space.

Mayim Bialik's pool from a video dated September 1, 2016 | Source:

Mayim Bialik’s pool from a video dated September 1, 2016 | Source:

The outdoor patio also includes a shower, and the spa features a beautiful blend of pebble, glass, and stone tiling. In an engaging episode of “The Three Questions with Andy Richter,” Bialik shared some intriguing insights into her personal life.

Mayim Bialik cooking in her kitchen from a reel dated December 11, 2023 | Source:

Mayim Bialik cooking in her kitchen from a reel dated December 11, 2023 | Source:

She revealed that she doesn’t employ a house cleaner, viewing it as an unnecessary luxury. Bialik’s parents instilled in her the value of cleanliness, and she has carried this lesson into her adult life, preferring to handle household chores herself.

The actress bakes with her sons from a video dated March 14, 2019 | Source:

The actress bakes with her sons from a video dated March 14, 2019 | Source:

She candidly admitted, “I really would rather spend the money on other things.” Despite her best efforts, she humorously confesses that her cleaning skills might not always be up to par. This revelation adds a relatable and down-to-earth dimension to her public persona.

Mayim Bialik's home from a clip dated May 31, 2023 | Source:

Mayim Bialik’s home from a clip dated May 31, 2023 | Source:

Bialik is also a brilliant neuroscientist with a Ph.D. from UCLA. Raised by two teachers, Bialik grew up with a deep appreciation for education. Her decision to pursue a PhD was fueled by her passion for teaching and research.

Mayim Bialik's library from a video dated April 1, 2020 | Source:

Mayim Bialik’s library from a video dated April 1, 2020 | Source:

Indulge in the sweet simplicity of Bialik’s Vegan Cookies, a delightful blend of potato starch, butter, and sugar. This recipe is a testament to the fact that delicious treats can be simple and vegan-friendly.


  • 1/2 cup (or 8 tablespoons) of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of salted butter or a vegan butter substitute
  • 5 1/4 tablespoons of powdered sugar


  1. Begin by creaming together the butter and sugar. Continue until the mixture is light, fluffy, and creamy.
  2. Enhance the flavor by adding a 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract.
  3. Gradually fold in 3/4 cups plus 1 1/4 tablespoons of potato starch.
  4. Continue by folding in 3/4 cups plus 2 1/2 teaspoons of cake flour.
  5. Once your dough is well-mixed and ready, roll it out and cut it into your desired shapes.
  6. Preheat your oven in preparation for baking.
  7. Place the shaped cookies in the oven and bake for ten minutes.

Enjoy these vegan cookies, a testament to Bialik’s commitment to a vegan lifestyle and a love for baking. Happy baking!

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